Data, Technology & Climate Change
The 4000 page landmark @IPCC report demonstrates how human activity is changing the climate in unprecedented ways. Technology helps monitor, measure, analyse, & record climate change precisely, yet also contributes to the vast energy consumption damaging our planet.
Whether sending emails or watching Netflix, the analysis & storage of data comes at great energy cost. The processing necessary to train a “large algorithm”, for instance, can require energy equivalent to nearly 5x the lifecycle emissions of a car.
Meanwhile, #data & #tech can unlock and harness the potential of clean energy, enable better understanding of climate change, and improve human behaviour in meaningful and positive ways.
However, Data is often — especially in climate change discourses — misrepresented & misused to serve agenda driven by political & monetary ambition. We must take care to ensure our data guides us correctly — as clear of bias and agenda as possible — if we are to avert disaster.
Further Reading:
The IPCC report:
The IPCC delivers its starkest warning about the world climate
How can artificial intelligence help fight climate change?
Our World in Data, CO2 & other greenhouse gas emissions across countries:
For CO2, sea levels, Arctic sea ice, Antarctic and Greenland land ice:
For papers published on climate change during the 1970's, see Peterson, 2008
CO2 emitted by volcanoes vs by humans: Gerlach, 2011
Further Videos:
A Skeptical Look at Climate Science
13 Misconceptions About Global Warming
Net zero emissions by 2050? | Tom Switzer | Rupert Darwall | Erwin Jackson
Attribution for this article's featured image:
"World Map - Abstract Acrylic" by Free Grunge Textures - is licensed under CC BY 2.0.